25 книг, которые помогут открыть свой бизнес: =================================== 1. 500 идей домашнего бизнеса. Федосенко Нелли 2. Курс предпринимательства. Абчук В.А. 3. Бизнес со скоростью мысли Гейтс Билл 4. Обретение могущества и славы. Кехо Джон 5. Человек при деньгах. Психология достатка. Степанов Сергей Сергеевич 6. Миллионер. Тарасов Артём 7. Как уцелеть среди акул. Маккей Харви 8. Банк идей для частного бизнеса. Киселев Ю. 9. Бизнес и ЖЖизнь. Правда, о которой не говорят. Параб
The author requests VK to allow them and their friends to stay in the old version of VK as they find it more suitable for their needs. They list the names of their friends who also prefer the old version and ask VK not to change their pages. They also request VK to allow one of their friends to switch back to the old version.
This T-SHIRT is especial for the HATERS. To those the immoral fucken ARROGANCE, fucken IGNORANCE, fucken stuck up close minded, Fucken jealousy, Fucken Envious Evil, she's the only know having everythings is by being a sly thief.....This is to those some BAD people & CO. Especially, to those fucken Immoral arrogance, stupid dumb fucken ignorance cruelest HOE, A fucking BAD OF THE BAD people with NO VALUE AT ALL is = VALYA - Valentina KHOMYAKOVA and co. Her life is too poor and so disgusting, n